Would you like to make electronic funds transfer (EFT) payments for every purchase you make? What prevents you from doing it? If this process is like a piece of cake and there is no need even to take your phone out of a pocket would you use it everyday? I believe you would say yes. According to the latest survey in UK 35% of interviewed people would choose their smartphones instead of a wallet and keys in case they can take only one thing with them going out.
Geo-location allows anyone to make mobile payments easier taking into account where the user is at the moment. You download the app, enter your credit card information and a list of friendly stores. Once you have done it, you walk into a store and your smartphone determines the place you are located in and makes payments possible without taking the phone out of your pocket.
Geo payments are making the way to take one of the center stages of mobile payments evolution. There is a number of apps using this check-in-and-pay feature in the App Stores by now. Some of them have a good base of stores you can pay with the app, some are specified for particular merchants.
Square armed us with state-of-the-art app called Wallet. Entering a store you can check-in either automatically or manually if you didn't add this store to your favorites before. Then the app determines your Square Wallet account and brings all information on the merchant’s computer screen. To complete the transaction you need to verify your name and a list of purchases. Make an order and pay without touching your wallet or smartphone. It is quite simple, isn't it?
PayPal also keeps up with the times allowing users to make purchases and pay with their smartphones thanks to “PayPal Here” app. The app is free and available for iOS and Android. As a Square Wallet it determines businesses nearby which adopted this technology. All you need to do is to authorize the app with your PayPal account and check-in using your phone when your enter a store or cafe. When you go to the till, the merchant’s point-of-sale system registers you are in and shows the assistant your photo. They verify your picture and the payment is done. When transaction is completed you will be notified via app and by e-mail.
Similar features can be found in an transportation app called myTaxi by Intelligent Apps GmbH, which also uses geo payment system. myTaxi allows you to pay without using your credit card or cash taking out of your leather wallet. The app gets aware of your arrival at the destination, don’t forget to determine it beforehand on your own, and calculate the final cost, asked for a simple confirmation to undertake a payment.
These technologies allow us to predict that in the next five or ten years you would be able to leave your leather wallet at home, wander round the streets and make purchases using your your smartphone.
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Aleksandra Seremina contributor to Azoft mobile http://www.azoft.com/mobile-application-development.htm software development know-how section made this review. She mostly writes about inductry news and development tips and trikcs.