Can you remember the last time you were able to count those little sheep as they struggled over that tiny fence in the deepest depths of your subconscious mind? Sadly, getting a good night’s sleep is something that millions of us struggle to achieve. Okay, you can get some instant results from sleeping tablets, but they only seem to work for a few days. You end up getting just as little sleep, and then they kick in just as you are supposed to wake up. This is not to mention the other side effects associated with this area of medicine. If you suffer from Insomnia, you are better off visiting your GP and asking for some medical advice. They will probably tell you that you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle including your dietary intake. Regular exercise and stress avoidance are also great for getting some quality sleep. In the meantime, why not check out these cool sleep aid Apps on your favourite Smartphone?
Pzizz sleep By Pzizz technology limited - $5.99
This App will run on your iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad and it requires iOS 5.0 or later for smooth running. Pzizz technology has already impressed people from over 70 countries who usually struggle with sleep issues, so this App could be exactly what the doctor ordered. This App contains a selection of soundtracks that have been proven to help the listener grab an awesome night of sleep. Each time that you hit the start button, you get a totally new soundtrack that is designed to help you relax and eventually drift away into the land of nod. You can set the timer to play from ten minutes to just under an hour, easily enough for even the most stubborn sub-conscious mind to deal with. The soundtrack is accompanied by a soothing voice-over, and this can be removed if you start to get irritated by the dulcet tones. We enjoyed this app and fell asleep long before the 60 minute mark, because Pzizz sleep is great, and also available on the Android Platform.
Sleepmaker Rain – Free
This App will run on your iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad and it requires iOS 4.3 or later for smooth running. Okay, as the title alludes to, this App is all about the sound of rain and the calming benefits that it brings. You’ll get 24 watery tracks that range from a very gentle drizzle, right up to a total monsoon style downpour. Each of these tracks can be set to turn off after a pre-determined time and they are all supposed to help us to get some sleep. This App has been getting positive reviews from all over the world and we can see why. Each track contains totally natural rainfall, and the App is totally free. We suggest that you try this out for a few nights and see the results yourselves. Sleepmaker Rain is also available on Android Platforms -
Lullaby Time?
Before you try these apps, speak to your GP first, but we have a feeling that they will be cool with these Apps!
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License: Image author owned
The author of this post is Mark Jackson, an employee at CPAPOnly, a leading CPAP machine supplier. Mark loves baseball and is an ardent supporter of the Washington Nationals.