Motif Investing
This is a great investment app for anyone who likes the convenience of portfolio management at their fingertips. Motif Investing allows users to invest in a very specific track, ranging from eco-conscious technology companies to companies specifically linked to the rebound of the housing market. Motif Investing provides access to 90 different portfolios with direct themes. While it may seem very narrow-minded, this app is a great way to put money into a growing sector and can even be a great way for beginning investors to get a full grasp on the process.
Unless you are an investing genius, you may often find it difficult to know how to manage your portfolio, looking to professional and even media sources for different types of suggestions. Instead of taking broad advice, use SigFig. This great investing app puts all of your portfolio information on a single dashboard and uses your specific scenario to give you well planned advice for optimization. Additionally, the app will also monitor your information for any hidden fees or payments that are required of you and will suggest alternative options to help protect your investments.
Mint Quickview
With so many different purchases made each day, it can be a pain to track all your spending on your own. To make this process simpler, you can use Mint Quickview, an app specifically meant to help you understand where your money goes. After linking to your bank account data, this app will begin analyzing where each purchase goes and give you a breakdown of your spending history. Additionally, if you want, it can help highlight what changes you can make to reach any financial goals that you may set. This is the perfect program if you need to take hold of your financial future.
While Mint Quickview is a simple and clean way to manage your finances, Manilla is another great option for those looking to be held accountable. Not only can Manilla track spending on multiple bank accounts, it can also monitor credit card purchases. It can also track all of your upcoming bill payments and even keep an eye on any travel rewards points that you may have accumulated. And since it is kept in the convenient space of a single app, it is a much better alternative to rooting through endless pages of financial paperwork.
Let Your Apps Manage Your Money
In this day and age, there is no reason to work alone to try to manage your money. Instead, try a few of these apps, and rest easy knowing that your financial future is secure.
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Casey Reynolds has used a variety of the apps listed above to better manage his finances, but he understands that not every investment can be tracked with a smartphone or tablet. To stay informed on his various oil and gas investments, he frequently visits