If you asked someone this question twenty, fifteen or even ten years ago they might look at you strangely. ‘What a daft question’, they may respond. ‘To make a phone call, of course.’
Yet nowadays phones are mobile, they come in all different shapes, sizes and colours, and they have such a wide variety of uses. Phones are no longer designed to simply make phone calls. And, if you were to ask the younger generation you would probably find that they hardly ever use their phone to make a call.
English: Motorola V66 mobile phone (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
So what is the use?
Well, phones and their functionality seems to improve every few months, let alone every year. But does what you use your phone for give an indication to the type of person you are?
Text me back
Are you someone who loves to send a message? To share a thought or to have a chat with someone via text? If so then making sure you have unlimited text messages could serve you well.
Alternatively, if you have a smartphone then you may find an app such as What’s app will best suit you. This enables you to send messages, video clips and images to anyone with the same app, all over the world. It is ideal if you have friends in other countries and it doesn’t cost you a penny.
Talk to me
Do you love to talk? As BT once stated, ‘It’s good to talk’. But getting the right phone contract that enables you to talk for as long as you want can be tough. Make sure that you speak to your service provider to get the best deal. Whether you have friends abroad or you just want to chat to your family for as long as possible, having the right mobile phone package is key.
Why not try Viber or even Skype? These apps enable you to speak to others wherever they may be, for free. Skype even allows you to see them if you have a camera on your phone.
Surf the net
Do you love to Google? Do you love to search and to listen to music? To read books on your phone or keep up-to-date with the news? If so then you need to ensure you have a good data package on your phone. If you don’t then you could find you are being charged heavily for using the internet.
You need to work out what you use your phone for in order to get the best deal available. Once you have this sorted the next step is to get some mobile insurance. Can’t picture a world without your phone? Then don’t, but you will need to make sure you take out insurance so that you are never without it.
Our mobile phones are integral part of our lives these days. Don’t allow yourself to be stung by big bills because you don’t have the right contract, or to have to fork out for a new phone because you lost it and forgot to take out insurance.
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Bill Turner is a technology guru with several independent technology consulting companies.