Lack of On-Site Threat
Here’s one of the most obvious reasons why some business owners swear by the data-protecting capabilities of hosted PBX – internal sabotage or theft becomes a thing of the past. To be a bit more specific, there are employees (usually those disgruntled for some reason) who make it a point to damage the company before leaving. Given that leaking private details online (or giving them to a rival firm) quickly harms a corporation, then it’s obvious why on-premise PBX is a usual target.
Knowing Invisible Risks
Even though hosted PBX is essentially immune to the anger of employees, external threats could still cause problems. For example, since all sorts of sensitive information needs to be sent through the web, it’s not that impossible for hackers to access (and even steal) details. In some instances, they might settle for consumer-related data (much like disgruntled personnel). However, the true problem lies in the risk of having passwords stolen, especially those used to access the server.
Dangers of Business Call
Entrepreneurs shouldn’t forget that some of the most sensitive pieces of information aren’t among those stored in distant drives. Spoken data sometimes carry details that if leaked could make entire business deals worthless. To put it simply, people with shady goals sometimes eavesdrop on conversations that are done through hosted-PBX systems. Just like stealing data through hacking, eavesdropping is something that usually can’t be detected quickly and easily.
Improved Data Protection
At this point, entrepreneurs would most likely come up with one not-so-encouraging assumption – hosted PBX isn’t synonymous with data protection, since it comes with all kinds of vulnerabilities. Truth be told, that’s only partially true. There are remote phone-system services that have evolved security-wise and thus provide enhanced protection to stored files and conversations. So, the question now is this: what are the key features of those advanced hosted PBX systems? Well, here are two:
- Data Encryption Options – when choosing among remotely-run PBX solutions, it’s best to pick those that allow data (and even audio) to be encrypted. After all, the entire data-encryption process makes any transmitted information virtually unreadable, which in turn means that hackers wouldn’t easily benefit from anything that they’d find or steal.
- The Access Adjustments – while this might not seem special, it’s really important to look for a hosted PBX service that provides complete control over the authentication process. Simply put, business owners who wish to keep data-leak disasters from happening should create as many authentication points as possible.
All about Realistic Security
There’s no denying that even heavily encrypted hosted PBX systems could still be breached. It’s also true that creating numerous authentication points isn’t a guarantee when it comes to keeping hackers away. All in all, it’d be best for entrepreneurs to remember this – while the latest advances in phone-system technologies have unparalleled disaster-prevention capabilities, cyber thieves never stop looking for new vulnerabilities.
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By Aditi Tyagi
Aditi Tyagi, Editor-in-Chief at MyRealData loves to write about cloud technologies including Hosted PBX, VOIP and application hosting. When her keyboards are not making noises in response to her writings on technologies, she spends her time reading novels.