Securing your computer while online seriously isn’t as difficult as it looks provided that you educate yourself to the dangers that is in existence or ever presence on the internet. Also make use of your good common sense like do not go to site that is known to have been a source of malware and the likes. In this post I shall be focusing on eight ways that you can do to make your computer secure while online can be compromised and some common sense approaches you can use to avoid this from taking place.
Many individuals get freaked out when you mention the expression “computer internet security”. They immediately leap to the assumption that it can only be done by somebody well-versed in computer expertise or you need to pay out big money on computer Internet security software. This is not true because even ordinary people can make their computer secure while online. This fear is completely unfounded and in fact there are numerous simple, common sense things that anyone, with even a tiny grasp of computers, can do to help preserve their computer security from dangers pose by using the internet.
1. Make use of well designed passwords. I have a post about this; never use your own name, birthday, street address or other personal information as a password. Anyone who knows you or has access even to general details about you can easily figure these out. There are even tools used by expert computer hackers that will crack dictionary-generated passwords. The best password frequently consists of no less than eight characters, a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols all randomly selected. Although these kinds of passwords are difficult for you to remember, they’re offer much tougher lock for the hacker to crack as well. A way for you to remember these special passwords is to create an acronym utilizing each of the numbers, letters and symbols used. In addition there are software programs available that will randomly create passwords for you. The key thing is you have to discover one way to remember them whether doing it manually yourself or having a program do it automatically.
2. Change your password regularly or at least maintain a routine of keeping your password new. It all depends on you for how long, it makes be one month or longer before you change or alter your password. Regrettably this straightforward step is what gets many computer users into trouble. They utilize the same password year after year and sooner or later someone is going to gain access to it, either unintentionally or on purpose. Especially if an individual has needed to provide the password to other people to allow access to their computer for a specific program or account.
3. Be a Wise E-mail User. E-mailing continues to become one of the most utilized strategies by people implicated in Internet crimes to gain accessibility to a computer through spyware and other types of malware, or just for spreading computer viruses through the internet community. On no occasion for you to open e-mail attachments or click on links within e-mails from mysterious senders as they could either install unsafe programs onto your computer or send you to inappropriate internet sites. Never deliberately provide information to e-mails from somebody you don’t recognize, actually it is safer not to even to respond or forward them. Just tap the delete button. Be very wise and careful about these things from an email where the sender in not known to you.
4. Install an effective, trustworthy computer security software program on your computer and make sure that you keep it current by downloading any updates for the data security files. Always look to find out that the software application has this updating feature. Besides the security software, also make sure that your computer firewall, that is part of the operating system on your computer, is turned on. I also have a post in about firewall for ad deeper understanding. This stops unauthorized access to your computer from outsiders.
5. Another programs that can be used to deliver harmful package is the Instant Messenger. It is a cool way of getting instant chat, but files received via Instant Messenger may by-pass your computer security scanning feature, so it’s best never to open any files received this way. Some of my friends who use IM for chatting has been a victim of virus attack delivered thru the instant messenger system. By clicking on a file to open it, activates the virus that can infect you computer.
6. Watch out for pop-ups. Many online companies use what are called “pop-ups” which are small windows containing advertisements that come into view when you are visiting a webpage. Frequently hackers will position links on these pop-ups that if clicked will begin the process of infecting your computer with a malicious program of some sort, be it spyware, adware, or some type of virus. To be safe, never click on any links that occur in these advertising windows. Nearly all computer operating systems now contain settings to block these types of annoying advertisements.
7. Downloading “Free” Stuff. The FREE STUFF is one of the most enticing things on the internet. This should be a “no brainer” however lots of people still do this- downloading files, programs, applications and online tools from unknown web sites. There’s an incredible collection of great FREE products available online as shareware and test offers, nevertheless it is up to you to ensure the place you are getting the products from is a reputable source. When in doubt, often a quick search making use of a search engine such as Google, it can reveal if the website is being reported as being a rip-off site or not based on the experiences of others. If you are still apprehensive, then it’s best not to download from the internet site in question and search for another source.
8. Carry out a regular house-cleaning of your computer. Remove any programs, tools or applications that you simply no longer make use of as these not only will decelerate your computer, but in some cases may provide a gateway for malware to enter your computer system from an outside source. Also perform a regular virus scan to make sure that nothing is left out.
Having a poorly protected computer is just a catastrophe waiting to happen. Not only do you run the risk of having private and confidential information stolen and used to steal your money or even your identity, but it as well supplies a weapon for the hacker to make use of to gain access to other people’s computers also if they gain control of your e-mail address book.
By following the common sense tips above will definitely enhance your ability to protect your computer, yourself, and your loved ones from being victims of cyber-crimes. Still at the end of the day, you’ll need to think about the acquisition of an effective computer security software program as mentioned, if you do not have this already, to get the amount of protection necessary to prevent the more serious internet risks.