Security is always a main concerns in everything we have from our family and friends to our every material possessions. It is always security, security and more security. Now that more gadgets is being created in marketplace security has become a need for everyone who owns a gadgets, whether it is a laptop, smartphone, tablet, digital camera and anything that we can held in our hands or put inside a bag so that we can carry them. Again i will not focus on the specific application or brands but on the general ideas that come with using security that is not commonly present in gadgets.
The very first gadgets to be seen of using a advanced security system lately is the laptop and it's contemporary; like the net-book or the smaller version of the laptop. The new laptop model especially the high end ones have a new security feature. This security feature is not found at the software level but at the hardware level. New laptop model has been equip with this technology and manufacturer has taken the necessary step to add a finger prints scanner on the laptop. This technology is called Finger Print Reader, pretty nit indeed. Now how does a finger print reader works in laptop?
Now if your always wary that someone is trying to look at the important thing that you keep inside your laptop when you are not looking or just want to keep away annoying people who always uses your laptop when ever you not around. Then this security measures is for you.
Now how does this work?
Fingerprint recognition or fingerprint authentication refers to the automated method of verifying a match between two human fingerprints. Fingerprints are one of many forms of biometrics used to identify individuals and verify their identity. This article touches on two major classes of algorithms (minutia and pattern) and four sensor designs (optical, ultrasonic, passive capacitance, and active capacitance).
A finger print reader work by storing the finger prints of the authorized user then labeling and encrypting that finger print information. By labeling means that the finger print pattern of the owner is mark and the it is label or set as the authorized finger print of the authorized user or users. This can also be done for many users like in a corporate setup. After preparing and storing the information the finger print reader is now ready to work. The authorized user only needs to scan his finger the and reader will compare that to the information stored in the database. Once that is correctly match then you as the authorized user will be granted access to the laptop.
I have seen this things in action and we tried fooling the system but it did not work. The owner of the laptop keep laughing at us because no matter what we do we cannot fool the system. Hacking the system is also next to impossible that why is is very secured.
A sentence of cautions first, there are two type of finger print reader available. The firs one is already built in in the laptop. While the next is a stand alone system which can be purchase from an electronic store and can be plugin via the USB port of the laptop. When using a separate finger print reader make sure you never lost it because you will never have access to your laptop even if you buy a new one. So i repeat never-ever lost a separate finger print reader or say goodbye to you laptop.
Noe if ever someone mange to get pass these security feature then you still have the good old user password installed in the operating system of your laptop.