How safe do you feel when you walk around on your own at night? In the past we would feel safe because we didn't know any better, but these days you can't turn on the TV without hearing about something horrific. It makes you scared to venture outside, but sometimes you must and that is why it's best to be prepared.
When you're not in your home there is little you can do to stop someone attacking you, but there are definitely a few cool things you can do to scare them away once they strike. Let's cross our fingers and hope nothing ever happens to you, but just to be on the safe side we can look at some cool gadgets that will help protect you.
Pepper Spray Smartphone Case
When you're walking around there is a good chance you will have your iPhone in your hand. Even if you're not holding it you have it right there in your pocket. Should anyone attempt to attack you they wouldn't stand a chance if you have a case with a built-in pepper spray attached. Just turn your phone around and blast them in the eyes before they know what is going on.
A personal distress alarm
When someone is following you it is very scary. You don't want to start screaming too soon in case you're wrong, but if you let an attacker get close to you they will be able to cover your mouth so nobody can hear you. If you have a personal alarm with you it's possible to get ready to pull the pin out the top, so when someone strikes you can set off the alarm and they won't be able to turn it off.
A mobile phone stun gun
Anyone who walks home from work at night is in danger because there are so many scary people in the world. You would probably feel a lot safer if you were carrying a stun gun with you that was disguised as a mobile phone. The only problem with this gadget is the fact it might be illegal to carry about with you, but it sure would scare anyone away if they tried to lay their hands on you.
Pepper Spray Fountain Pen
We've talked about the amazing pepper spray smartphone cover, but not everyone will want to walk about with it strapped to their phone. There is an alternative you should definitely check out and that is a fountain pen that sprays pepper. If you are wearing a suit it can sit in your pocket and nobody will suspect a thing. If you're on a night out there is also a pepper spray lipstick case you can use.
Wild Cat Key Chain
Everyone will have a key ring because we carry lots of keys around with us, but you might be a little surprised what the Wild Cat key chain can do. If you slip your fingers inside it the key ring will automatically turn into something that resembles knuckle dusters. You might not like hitting anyone, but if they attack you it will only take one punch to scare them away.
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The author of this post, Colin Mathis, is a part of the team at Ready Aim Firearms Safety Inc., a company that offers firearms safety course in Canada. He has decent knowledge about self-defense and enjoys sharing his ideas via blogging.