We love our Androids! Sometimes our Android batteries run out before we want them to, which is a major bummer for all of our smart phone needs. While it is great these Androids constantly connect us to endless resources, a lot of these resources can be battery hogs. This should not keep you from utilizing your resources or switching from an Android, so I have made a guide on how to get the most life out of your Android battery.
Switching to Wi-fi will make it easy for you to keep your battery filled up. There are lots of hot-spots everywhere, and you can always utilize the Wi-Fi in your home. To do this you need to hit menu, settings, wireless and network then set-up the Wi-fi.
Switch to 2G or 3G
While quick connections are great they aren’t always necessary. The faster the connection, especially 4G connection, the more battery life is drained away. Slow speed can be annoying, but if you are just emailing it isn’t that big of a deal. Switch to 3g from Menu to settings to wireless and network to mobile networks to Use only 2G/3G.
Turn off Mobile Data
You can turn off all the data connections which can seem a bit extreme for some mobile users. To do this access menu to settings to wireless and network to mobile networks to data enabled. This can extend your battery life for hours.
Turn off Sync
Turning off all mobile data can seem like a handicap for some users, so turning off sync can be a good compromise. You can choose some of your apps to not be sync with the cloud, and this will save you some battery power. You can do this by accessing menu to settings to accounts and sync to background data.
Turn off your GPS
Do you know where you are? Are you looking for somewhere to go? If not, turn your GPS off. GPS is a giant waste of battery, and is constantly steeling your Android’s energy.
Lower your screen’s brightness
If you are indoors, there is no need to have your screen at a high level of brightness. This soaks a lot of energy from you battery. To switch this go to menu to settings to display to brightness, and adjust it to a lower level. You can also consider Automatic Brightness if you want to.
Mateusz is the owner of LookupExpert, a cell phone lookup provider.