The proliferation of the smartphone has altered life as we know it. Do you walk around with your mobile in your hand? Most business people do. Their smartphone has become an extra limb and as such, allows them to communicate with their colleagues and clients via their permanent connection to the World Wide Web.
How has this affected the office environment?
Well firstly, the emphasis on luxurious lobbies and front-desk-staff is no longer in vogue. Potential employees and clients are both looking for similar specifications in an office environment. From video conferencing equipment to a high-speed internet connection, your tech department needs to be filled with the latest and greatest tools digital stores have to offer; there’s no more room for vintage within the workplace.
Being able to handle the demand for wireless has become a part of a business owner’s role. People expect to connect their smartphone to the corporate network and rely on their connection speed for optimum productivity levels.
With the growing reliance on IT, there is no escaping the trend of using social media. Having a business profile on twitter and facebook can have a massive impact on the scope of your business. The amount of followers you have online can ultimately determine how modern your office environment is in the eyes of the public.
Incorporating live video chat protocol and practices has influenced the face of conference rooms and interviewing processes. With one third of all businesses using video features within their weekly schedule, communication has evolved into a fully-fledged digital activity. Instead of smiling, we use emoticons. Instead of submitting hard-copy documents, we share files.
Within our physical office environment we run a virtual business. The use of cloud computing and hosting services has taken companies beyond the four-walls of their workplace and changed the way in which we do business. In other words, the creative office environment has bid adieu to the cubicle; a parting of ways that many employees will celebrate.
It’s a new corporate world, where enterprises exist without the boundaries of the previously office-bound employee. The tech department of 2012 will need to be able to handle the myriad devices, operating systems and multiple locations that will dominate their office environment.
Bella Gray is a tech-head who enjoys testing out the latest and greatest corporate equipment within her office space. A businesswoman who likes to keep ahead of the trends, Gray has ensured that her serviced offices Holborn have a keen digital edge that will outsmart her competitiors.