What are server header responses? Ever encountered the famous 404 when there is no page to see? Most 404 display today tends to be funny or interesting, all sort decoration can be used to give life and meaning to the 404 page. How about the 303 for redirection if the site move to another location. How about the response for getting the correct website we do not see a 200 on our browser but we see the website that we requested. For most of us it is still a mystery regarding all the server header responses, how much will it be for the casual user of the web. How about the 1xx, 2xx, 3xx, 4xx and 5xx. Yikes there are a lot of them. There is just to complex for the average human to comprehend and to get properly acquainted with them one by one.
I will not get into the technical stuff because it will tend to boring. Luckily for us the infographics below from Seogadget.co.uk clearly explained the most basic of these server header responses. Enjoys it.
“Graphic produced by SEOgadget.co.uk – check their conversion rate optimisation services or their international wordpress hosting guide”