When installing on a newly purchased computer or reinstalling driver on a old computer, driver installation can be both taxing or easy a breathing fresh air. A computer or laptop has two major components and that is the hardware and the software. Without one of these two the computer or any gadgets is useless. The hardware must work properly with the software to produce a beautiful piece of machine. Of these two the hardware require the most time in getting it to work properly.
There is several computer hardware that requires separate driver installation for them to function properly.
1. Network adapter components
a. Network Interface Card
b. Wireless Connectivity
c. Bluetooth
2. Display Adapters
3. Sound, video and Game controllers
4. Chip components
5. Mouse or Pointing Devices.
The easy of installing the driver for the specific hardware components is by using the installer that comes with the computer or laptop. This driver is usually located on a piece of CD-ROM that comes with the laptop of computer. By running that specific CD-ROM we just need to follow the instruction or commonly known as wizard Installation guide to fully install the entire required hardware driver. This method is the easiest way of installing a driver.
The hard way of driver installation is if the CD-ROM that contains the driver for all hardware components is gone. For this method we need an internet connection. Not just an ordinary internet connection because we need to find and download the correct version for each specific computer hardware. Yes each computer hardware has a different version. Not all computer hardware drivers will work once they were installed. So it is very important that we need to know several things about the driver that would make them the correct driver for that specific hardware.
List of things that we need to know about the driver before we install in the computer.
1. Operating system Type
2. Driver Version
3. Manufacturer
For every driver that we need to install we need to know the current operating system of the computer. Especially in the Windows based computer or laptop. There are several version of the same driver for each version of windows operating system. Like the driver for the Windows 98 or ME will not work for Windows NT and the rest of its different windows version. So it is very important to know where that driver’s manufacturer and version so that driver compatibility is maintained at all times. Also the correct manufacturer driver version should be established to make the driver finder works a lot faster. Instead of going from one place to another, we can go through the manufacturer website or support page. This method can be very fast instead of searching the whole internet just looking for that specific driver.
Another very easy way of driver installation is by using software that detects the entire needed driver by your computer. Once installed these software driver detector can be used to quickly determine all the needed driver type and version, download each one of them and begin installation as soon as the possible. We only need to run it and it will find the correct driver software. This software is being to check all the driver components and once finish finding each driver. The software can be easy to use once the proper setup has been on- looker is washed properly. Once the driver have been identify, it is now the time to download and then installation could begin for each hardware component of the computer.
How about you what do you think? Feel free to share your thoughts on these.