Wishlistr is an easy to use web-based application that will help you collect, organize and keep track of the things you want. It also lets you share those things with friends and family. What's on your wishlist?
Found a nice shirt? Thinking about buying that new DVD? Or the latest album from your favourite group? With Wishlistr you can collect all the things you want in one place and add things to your list from anywhere on the web by simply pressing a button!
Wishlistr lets you organize your wishlist items in to suiting templates for birthdays, weddings, holidays and more. You can easily edit or remove items on your wishlist without ever reloading the page and sort them by simply “dragging and dropping”.
Wishlistr makes it easy to share your wishlist with everyone you know. Send it to friends and family, let the most dedicated subscribe to your list via RSS or publish your wishlist on your web site or blog. Never again will you receive a gift that you did not want.
Are you one of those people who have a long list of things you want, but forget everytime someone asks you what you’d like for a birthday gift? Or are you a techie, with a blog and a site and everything, but users don’t wanna contribute in cash and you wish you had a wishlist from which users could choose and contribute to you from? Worry no more! A solution, Wishlistr, is here!
Wishlistr is an online product which helps you create and manage wishlists, and its free!
To make a wishlist using Wishlistr, you have to signup for a free ID. You can also sign into Wishlistr using your yahoo, gmail, blogger, wordpress, technorati ID.
Once you login, you have a option for creating a list.
Go on, Create one now.
Choose a cool name for your list, add items to it. Recommended use for the fields are -
LINK - Preferably a review of the item, or any buy page from online trading/auction companies
ADDITIONAL INFO - Price, and some of the features you would like in that. Also recommended is that you change the theme from default, as it doesn’t look too good. I’ve changed mine to mordern.
You can import your Wishlist from Amazon or del.icio.us bookmarks, and you can even share it to Twitter, Facebook and the like!
Some Clever Uses -
● You can add the wishlist to your site/blog. Use the link of the item in amazon/ebay etc in the url, and ask your users to get you one thing from the list to support you.
● You can mantain the wishlist online, so when Christmas/Diwali/Your Birthday Comes, you don’t forget something to ask from relatives.
Hope you found a good use of wishlist. Share your with us now!
This is a guest post by Namanyay Goel. He usually Blogs about Technology Tips and Tricks, and gives reviews. Read his main Tech Blog - Create-n, or, his Facebook only Tech Blog - Faceb Tricks.
Thanks for sharing the information about Wishlistr, it really have an interesting features. I will use it.
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