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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Computer 101: Using the Windows Back-Up Tool

Now to continue after clicking on the back-up now the picture below will appear. But before proceeding to back-up your file make sure that the back-up destination drive is currently attached to your computer. This will make it easier for you and your computer to determine were to put your files once you started the back-up process.After the back-up now button wait for a while for the welcome page to load.

Back Up Tools Welcome Page
Notice on the welcome page that a check mark has been put on the wizard mode, this means that if press the YES button the back up tool will start in wizard mode. Wizard mode is the easiest way and faster way to create your back-up. It is for beginners like us to used and to understand. While the advance mode is for the technical guy who needs to fine tune the options before proceeding with the back-up. Its is recommended to used wizard mode if you are new to kind of stuff. Okay after clicking the NEXT button the next picture below will appear.

Back or Restore Wizard

Notice there are two options on this picture. The Back files and settings and the Restore files and settings. Also note that the default is set on the first option which the Back-up files and settings. You do not need to change the setting for this one just press the NEXT button to proceed to the next instruction. Which is the what to back-up options. Please see picture below for detailed information.

What to Back-up Option

Int this options we have several to choose from. Now how are you going to choose which options is the right option for you. First determined where all you files are located. Check and double check everything so that when you select the correct option all you important files and documents will be included in the back-up. If you are the type of person where you only save all your files in the My document folder of your computer then i suggest choosing the the first option which the My Documents and Setting. Now after selecting this options press the next button to go to the next part of the back-up process.

Back information

Now on this picture you can see that there several options as well, namely the select the back-up type which is disabled. It is in grayed colored and you can click this one. The other options is the one your going to configure.The choose a place to save your back-up and the Type a name for this back-up. More on my next post.

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