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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Computer 101: Don't be Afraid to Do it by Yourself

Yes that's correct do not be afraid to explore and do things on computer. Do not just be a passive user of that wonderful machine that has help you a lot in so many ways. Understanding the inner working of your computer is the at the first and foremost important. How do you start to learn what's under the hood of your machine. Well there's the big INTERNET where you can find all sort of information about almost anything this days. Other of information is your group friends maybe one of them is in the information technology world and he or she just might  be able to help you out. Now why do we need to blog about this, this is just to remind everyone that it is important to get to know your computer, what are it's inner working. Okay you ask, what the heck em i must need to know, well there' a whole of them. First have ever heard of the word PROCESSOR, Central Processing Unit or CPU, then there's the memory, hard disk, graphics card, web cam, printer and a whole lot more of other words that pertains to the inner working of your computer. If not and you'd been using a computer for more than half of your life. Then i suggest you get started to learn about them. How they work together so that you can enjoy the usefulness of your computer for a long time and what will you do if somethings go wrong with your machine.

CRT monitor

First use the Internet to get a good picture of this pieces of devices under the hood of your machine. Just the the word on the search bar of your preferred search engine then select the IMAGES option on your search engine and then click the button or just press the enter key of the computer to begin the search. Let's say you type the word CPU or Processor, then it should display what a CPU or processor look like. I'm so busy i don't have the time to do all this stuff. Hey there is no rush in learning. Take it one at a time. I'm sure somewhere in time you'll fine you free time and maybe you'll be able to begin the learning process. It doesn't have to be structured learning.

System Unit

 Make your learning fun so that you will be able to absorb it better and you'll be able to do it again in again until before you know it. You now now more compare last week or last month. Also it is cool to learn about this technical stuff. More people will look up to you for help in almost aspect of the computer. You'll be surprised on what they are expecting that you should know.The important thing is to take the first step to learning but not at all at once but one at a time. Focused on one topic and learn everything you can about it. Another is do not be afraid to ask those who know this things. Yea the tech guy in your company or your neighbor. They just waiting for you to ask and your be surprised to the answer they give you. No sale's talk just pure information and a few tips and trick if they know your interested in what your asking about.

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